Laura Beggel


I am an external PhD student at the working group for Computational Statistics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich.


Institut für Statistik

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Ludwigstraße 33

D-80539 München

laura.beggel [at]

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  1. Beggel L, Pfeiffer M, Bischl B (2020) Robust Anomaly Detection in Images using Adversarial Autoencoders Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, pp. 206–222. Springer.
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  2. Pfisterer F, Beggel L, Sun X, Scheipl F, Bischl B (2019) Benchmarking time series classification – Functional data vs machine learning approaches. arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.07511.
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  3. Beggel L, Kausler BX, Schiegg M, Pfeiffer M, Bischl B (2019) Time series anomaly detection based on shapelet learning. Computational Statistics 34, 945–976.
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  4. Beggel L, Sun X, Bischl B (2017) mlrFDA: an R toolbox for functional data analysis. Ulmer Informatik-Berichte, 15.
  5. Beggel L, Kausler BX, Schiegg M, Bischl B (2016) Anomaly Detection with Shapelet-Based Feature Learning for Time Series. Ulmer Informatik-Berichte, 25.
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